Kelvin Chan

An avid STEM highschooler aiming to solve global problems.
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At a glance ...




  • Silver medal in the International Junior Science Olympiads
  • 7.0 GPA Honours Student


International Student Science Fair

Led a team of 25 students to help organise cultural events, opening ceremony and social media in the ISSF2023



A custom, self-hosted proxy to enhance your anonymity online without being forced to go through (profit-driven) VPN companies.


Aharmonic magnetic oscillators

Studying the relation between amplitude and period for a system of two neodymium magnets.


Project Odyssey

Programmed and built a self-driving robot car with teammates at Project Odyssey, winning the Droid Racing Competition 2023!



Scan a QR code to vote for an artwork! Website built for my school's art showcase in 2021.

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